jeudi, février 14, 2013

Valeur des entreprises et gouvernance : le Canada démontre un lien

Chères lectrices et chers lecteurs, la Coalition Canadienne pour la Bonne Gouvernance vient de publier un document que vous aurez plaisir à lire. Ce dernier est intitulé : "The Value of Governance" (ici). Je vous transferts le courriel reçu hier à ce sujet :
We are happy to send you the linked document entitled "The Value of Governance" which was prepared for CCGG on a pro bono basis by Professor Anita Anand of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law. Professor Anand's piece will be posted on CCGG's website and we also intend to provide it to the directors with whom we meet during our board engagement program. As you will read, Professor Anand states that "cross-country and Canada-specific research demonstrates a statistically significant and positive relationship between corporate governance measures and firm value". She also sets out the academic literature upon which she is relying to make that statement and other positive statements about the value of governance.
Merci à ma collègue Raymonde Crête pour cette information et à la prochaine...

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