mercredi, décembre 10, 2008

Activisme des investisseurs et responsabilité sociale

Dans un texte intéressant publié aujourd'hui dans le Report on Business du Globe and Mail, Investor groups focus on bottom line to bring about change, on fait état de l'activisme croissant des investisseurs canadiens en matière de responsabilité sociale:

Shareholder involvement in CSR is gaining traction in Canada, say experts such as Jordan Berger, head of responsible investment at Mercer (Canada) Ltd. Led by pension funds, institutions and ethical mutual fund companies, shareholders are increasingly using annual meetings, proxy materials and old-fashioned public relations to nudge public companies into action over everything from environmental protection to employment practices.

"There is most definitely a rising tide of shareholder resolutions being filed," says Myrna Khan, senior vice-president and general manager of Canadian Business for Social Responsibility in Vancouver. The not-for-profit organization advises businesses
on how to bring their operations into line with CSR expectations.

L'article fait valoir que l'intérêt pour la RSE découle de la contribution qu'elle apporte à la qualité de la prise de décision, plutôt qu'à une quelconque vision morale du rôle de l'entreprise.
The driving force, however, is not moral outrage about business practices.

Rather, today's push for social responsibility is based on hard-edged economics and long-term sustainability - the understanding that embracing high standards on the environment, employment and other social issues reduces risk and ultimately leads to improved financial returns.

"We have moved from demanding ethical investing to sustainable investing," explains Matthew Kiernan, chief executive officer of Innovest Strategic Value Advisors Inc. of Richmond Hill, Ont., which helps pension funds and institutions analyze risks associated with sustainability.
En ce sens, la RSE participe du management stratégique des entreprises. À mon sens, cette approche permet certainement une meilleure conciliation des impératifs économiques, sociaux et environnementaux.

1 commentaire:

Ron Robins a dit...

I have some further and related thoughts concerning socially responsible investing.

I believe that when we invest in a company, or many companies in the case of a mutual fund, we share in the responsibility for the activities of those companies as well as participate in the outcomes of their corporate activities. So, anyone valuing their personal or spiritual growth has to take these things into account when investing.

Also, if everyone invests according to their personal values, then, since so many of our core values are alike — and are supportive of higher ideals — that in the long run, only companies employing these higher values will truly prosper. And there is real evidence of this now.

I advocate, teach, and write on the subject of personal values based investing -- and have a popular Canadian based website that has unique information which might interest you. It includes the latest global socially responsible investing news and research. My site is at

Best wishes, Ron Robins