mardi, août 03, 2010

Manifestation scientifique en RSE

Bonjour à toutes nos lectrices et nos lecteurs, information estivale sur la RSE de mes collègues d'Audencia Ecole of management :

First CR3 Conference
April 8-9, 2011, at Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland

The CR3 conference results from cooperation between three business schools who have been among the first to adopt the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (UNPRME): Audencia Nantes School of Management (France), Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki (Finland) and ISAE/FGV in Curitiba (Brazil). The three schools have been working together on issues related to Corporate Responsibility / Global Responsibility (notably through joint participation in conferences, organization of joint seminars, and teacher exchange) since 2008. The first CR3 conference will take place at Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, on April 8 and 9, 2011. Its theme is ‘the power of responsibility’.

Lire la suite ici.

A la prochaine ...

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