mercredi, novembre 12, 2008

Recent Developments in European Financial Services and Banking Law

L'Académie de droit européen propose sa conférence annuelle les 11 et 12 décembre 2008 à Trèves consacrée aux thèmes suivants :
  • MIFID AND THE SINGLE MARKET FOR INVESTMENT SERVICES (Unresolved issues of the post ; MiFID integration. Home/host debate; Amending the UCITS Directive and guidelines) ;
  • FINANCIAL SUPERVISION AND FINANCIAL STABILITY (ECOFIN roadmap ; FSF recommendations; BASEL II/CRD ; Commission proposals ; Supervision of financial groups and financial conglomerates ; MoU on cross-border crisis situations) ;
  • RETAIL FINANCIAL SERVICES AND PAYMENTS (recent developments ; consumer protection ; first feedback on the SEPA : direct debit scheme).
Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici

A la prochaine ...

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