jeudi, juillet 12, 2012

The Sustainable Companies Project s'interroge sur l'article 11 du traité européen

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, le groupe de recherche dont je fais partie et basé à Oslo - The Sustainable Companies Project - organise un colloque sur un thème très intéressant : "Taking Article 11 TFEU Seriously:The Significance of EU treaty Law for Regulating European Companies" le 25 septembre 2012 à la faculté de droit d'Oslo.
Does EU Treaty Law require a greening of European companies? Discussions of the significance of the EU Treaties for business usually deal with free movement, freedom of establishment and the level playing field. However, the Treaties also set out important environmental objectives, principles and rules for the EU. The European Law Conference 2012 discusses the significance of Article 11 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which sets out a duty to integrate environmental protection requirements in all policies and activities of the EU. The European Court of Justice has shown that this is more than a political declaration and has legal substance. But what does it mean, taken seriously, for company law, reporting, corporate governance and for public procurement and insurance?
Pour plus d'informations, cliquez ici.
Pour en savoir plus sur le projet de recherche The Sustainable Companies Project, cliquez ici.
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